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Showing posts from December, 2018

Representation Chart Papers Final

These are the final product we made for the representation.

Making Representation Chart Paper

today each group was given a certain representation e.g gender, age and class etc we were given ability and gender to which we were asked to make chart papers where we would jolt down every points of stereotype representation. here are the videos we took while making it the final product will be posted after checking

Low Light and Broad Light

we discussed low light and broad light photography at the start of our classes we learned how to shoot in broad light and low light how to edit those photographs and how each picture can represent different story.


We started working on our stroyboard for the film opening and tried to make the best out of it, storyboard also contributes a lot for the final product as it helps us to visualize how to shot a certain scene this enables us to pre plan everything we are going to shoot this helps in minimizing time during the shooting stage.